Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Response Cleaning & Disinfectant Application
Ecotreck is happy to announce that we have completed and received our certificate from the 2020 CIRI (Cleaning Industry Research Institute)
Science Symposium

About Covid 19
There is much to learn about the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Based on what is currently known about the novel coronavirus and similar coronaviruses that cause SARS and MERS, spread from person-to-person with these viruses happens most frequently among close contacts (within about 6 feet). This type of transmission occurs via respiratory droplets. On the other hand, transmission of novel coronavirus to persons from surfaces contaminated with the virus has not been documented. Transmission of coronavirus occurs much more commonly through respiratory droplets than through fomites. Current evidence suggests that novel coronavirus may remain viable for hours to 9 days on surfaces made from a variety of materials. Cleaning of visibly dirty surfaces followed by disinfection is a best practice measure for prevention of COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses in households and community settings.
Here at Ecotreck we are always trying to stay up to date with ongoing training, best practices and cleaning procedures. Our country is in a state of emergency due to the Coronavirus (covid 19) epidemic.
Science Symposium Featuring discussions on:
Risk Assessment, Pandemics and Covid 19, How any why we test, Coronavirus (covid 19) High-performance cleaning, challenges associated with Effective disinfection, preparing for the next pandemic and effective Training strategies of frontline workers. We are here to help in this time of uncertainty with cleaning and education to the best of our ability.
Link to short symposium briefing. Note that restoration contractors were the main participants in the symposium.
The presentation speakers for this symposium were as follows:
Crisis Communications and Risk Assessment
Patricia Olinger, JM, RBP Executive Director, Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC), a Division of ISSA
What You Need to Know Pandemics and COVID-19
Eugene Cole, Dr.PH. Director of Research, LRC Indoor Testing & Research
How and Why We Test
Richard Shaughnessy, Ph.D. Director, Indoor Air Quality Research Program, University of Tulsa
Jordan Peccia, Ph.D.
Thomas E. Golden Jr. Professor of Environmental Engineering, Yale University
High-Performance Cleaning - What It is and Why It is So Important
John Richter, MSME Clinical Faculty Member, Engineering Department, Miami University, Oxford, OH
Meeting the Challenges Associated With Effective Disinfection
Greg Whiteley, Ph.D. Chairman, Whiteley Corporation. Adjunct Fellow, School of Medicine, Western Sydney University
Preparing for the Next Pandemic
Gavin Macgregor-Skinner BVSc, MSc, MPH, MRCVS Certified Forensic Operator®, Certified Bio-Forensic Restoration Specialist®
EcoTreck's Commitment to safety and proper Cleaning Procedures
Our staff from initial inspection to final departure will be practicing social distancing and infection control principals.
Crew Safety:
The minimum personal protective equipment (PPE) recommended by the CDC for individuals potentially exposed to COVID-19 includes gloves, gowns, eye protection, and respirators. Typically, workers in the restoration industry use disposable suits with attached hoods and booties for contaminant control work.
The crisis nature of the COVID-19 response means that many typically available supplies may now be in short supply. This may require contractors to use alternate personal protective equipment (PPE) items they are not familiar with, or potentially reuse single use products. As an example, the CDC has already posted procedures explaining how personnel may have to store and reuse single use disposable respirators. Contractors may have to use different personal protective equipment (PPE) than what they are used to. Shortages of disinfectants may also occur.
Once in your home we will follow the 6 Steps of the GBAC (Global Risk Advisory Council) Response Protocol
- Risk assessment of your property to protect workers from biological, chemical, and safety hazards- Quality control. Equipment- Disinfectant to be used, PPE, ATP pretesting for surface contamination. Post Site Assessment- ATP post testing for cleaning effectiveness based on biological concentration.
- Pre- Disinfect- Spray wipe spray process
- Load reduction
- Forensic cleaning
- Professional Disinfectant application
- Post site assessment-Quality control- post ATP testing
Services offered
- ATP testing:
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphateis) is a molecule found only in and around living cells, and as such it gives a direct measure of biological concentration and health. ATP is quantified by measuring the light produced through its reaction with the naturally-occurring firefly enzyme luciferase using a luminometer. The amount of light produced is directly proportional to the amount of biological energy present in the sample.
- Clean high touch surfaces and apply EPA N- list approved disinfectant based on the emerging pathogens program
- Critical containments, temporary room isolation for quarantine spaces with negative HEPA filtrated air pressure
- Single room cleaning and application of EPA N- list approved disinfectant based on the emerging pathogens program
- Whole house cleaning and disinfectant application. This consists of a specific cleaning protocol which may include some or all the following.
- Critical containment
- Seal return air vents before disinfectant applications to prevent migration to other areas
- HEPA filtrated negative air
- Aerosolver fog to remove airborne particulates that aerosolized respiratory droplets may attach to which may improve the environment and cleaning efficiency and reduce overall risk.
- HEPA Vacuuming to remove particulates that have settled on surfaces.
- Pre clean step to remove bio load before disinfectant application
- Application of disinfectant